
Bernd Westphal

Spokesman for the Economy and Energy working group of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag

Spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group on the economy since 2021, spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group on the economy and energy from 2015 to 2021

Elected to the board of the SPD parliamentary group in February 2018.

Member of the German Bundestag since 2013.

Memberships in the German Bundestag:

  • Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy, full member
  • Spokesman for the Economy and Energy working group of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag
  • Committee on Health, substitute member

Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA), Member of the Advisory Board

Stiftung Fonds zur Finanzierung der kerntechnischen Entsorgung (KENFO), full member of the Board of Trustees, deputy member. Chairman of the Board of Trustees


Member of the SPD since 1984, member of the council of the municipality of Giesen, member of the SPD sub-district of Hildesheim. Member of IG BCE, AWO, “Don’t turn on my buddy” association, President of the German-French Partnership Chabanais-Giesen e.V.

After training as a chemical laboratory technician, employed at the Siegfried-Giesen potash mine. Further training as a business statistician, 1992/93 studies at the Social Academy Dortmund. From 1993, full-time trade union secretary at IG Bergbau und Energie (IG BE) in Recklinghausen and Bochum. 1997 to 2005 Industrial Group Secretary for Mining and Energy Policy at IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie (IG BCE). 2005 to 2013 Board Secretary at the IG BCE head office in Hanover, responsible for social policy, co-determination, works constitution, migration/integration.

1982/83 Military service with the 1st Medical Battalion.

Born on 30.09.1960 in Hildesheim; married; 3 children.

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