
Prof. Helge Heegewaldt

President of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

since March 2023 President of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency
2/2019 – 2/2023 Head of Unit Z10 “Personnel Administration and Job Management” at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs
10/2018-1/2019 Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, appointed Head of Division L12 “Political Planning”
11/2017-10/2018 Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, acting as Head of Division L 12 “Political Planning”
2014 – 2017 Leave of absence for work in the CDU/CSU parliamentary group
2013 – 2014 Consultant at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
2010 – 2013 Consultant at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
2006 – 2010 CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Office of the First Parliamentary Secretary
2005 – 2006 Citizens’ Advice at the Representation of the European Commission in Germany
2003 – 2005 Legal preparatory service
1995 – 2001 Study of law


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Harald Hübner
Herfstshoot November 2023-65
Landesregierung Schleswig-Holstein
Lion Hirth 2022 C Hertie School Maurice Weiss 1
VOKA24 08 Otary 4720 HR
Philippe Kavafyan
Dr. von dem Bussche
Jürgen Trittin
Stefan Kansy / Director New Projects, EnBW fotografiert am 04.06.2021 in Hamburg.