
Tim Meyerjürgens

COO on the Management Board of TenneT Holding B.V.

Tim Meyerjürgens is a manager in the power transmission business with 23 years of experience in the energy sector, with a focus on power transmission and renewable energies. With responsible project development and management experience in the field of offshore grid connections and connections for HVAC and HVDC. After graduating from the Oldenburg University of Applied Sciences in 2003 as a Dipl. Ing. After training as a power electronics technician at Preussen Elektra Netz, Tim Meyerjürgens held various positions at E.ON Netz for several years before it was taken over by TenneT in 2010. Tim Meyerjürgens was instrumental in setting up the German offshore project organization from scratch and has gained extensive experience in stakeholder management, working with many relevant interest groups from politics, business and society. Since March 2019, Tim Meyerjürgens has been Chief Operating Officer (COO) on the Management Board of TenneT Holding BV with additional responsibility for offshore wind in the Netherlands and for international interconnector projects.

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